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Location: Copenhagen, Denmark

Meet Sarah Mikaela of Framboise Fashion

Sarah Mikaela, 20
Fashion Blogger
Copenhagen, Denmark

I got the chance to interview the talented Sarah Mikaela of Framboise Fashion! She was super kind to do this interview and I found that she's a rather ambitious person, who manages to stay true to herself in all of her endeavors. Check out the interview!

How did you come up with the name Framboise Fashion? Does it stand for anything?
Well, framboise is raspberry in French, and since it is my favorite berry I just settled with it. I was so excited to start my blog, that the naming of it went so quickly. I didn't stop and question it, I just had to get it started.

How long have you been interested in fashion? What sparked this interest for you?
I have been interested in clothes since I was able to wear shiny shoes and beautiful and extremely over decorated dresses as a kid. My interest really took off around the age of 10 where I got my first fashion magazine, and back then I decided that I wanted to be a designer when I grew up. I haven’t changed my mind yet.

Who or what inspires you?
Everyone and everything inspires me! Olafur Eliasson, Anselm Reyle and Robert Monies are all artists who inspire me greatly. I also love digging in to magazines such as BON, Jalouse and i-D. For my own style I’m inspired by people such as Tamu McPherson, Susie Bubble and Leaf Greener.

How would you describe your style? What makes your sense of style different than everyone else?
I hope that my style is perceived as colourful and happy. I’m not good at doing black and frankly it’s not a good look on me. I don’t wear things because other people wear it nor do I avoid it of that reason, so I believe the main reason that my sense of style is different is just because it’s me. I can’t give a better explanation. The way you wear something is also 80% of the look in my opinion. If you’re insecure wearing a chicken costume, people will notice the insecurity more than the costume. With some confidence, you could definitely rock that look.

From the time you wake up, how would you describe your typical day?
Since I work full time in the MaxMara shop, my main purpose in the morning is just getting up, getting ready and getting out the door. When I’m off work in the evening I mostly just come home, change in to my PJ’s, catch up with blogs and read. Afterwards I’ll fall asleep until I have to do the same thing over again. As soon as I get a day off, being with loved ones and blogging is all that occupies me.

Hobbies and personal loves of yours?
I started dancing at a very young age and all through my childhood, so I do like to bust a move now and then. However, the moves are not as elegant as when I did pliés. Main interests are sketching, sewing and playing piano or my ukulele. Nothing however is more important than my family and friends.

What would you say you skimp/splurge on?
At the moment, absolutely nothing. I’m saving up for studies, so I have to take care of my money. But I do use way too much on coffee. I love going to cafés in Copenhagen with lovely people. I do splurge on makeup, as I like it to be as natural and free of bad ingredients as possible.

What do you love about living in your city??
The cafés and the people! It’s generally just such a lovely and cozy place! At the moment, the best thing about the city is the Christmas decorations in town, which are just so beautiful as they light up the city in such a magical way.

Top 3 places to visit in Copenhagen:
1.  Paludan’s Bogcafé – My favorite place for coffee. They have such a great atmosphere and their menu is exactly what I need for a day in town.
2. Arken – Artmuseum. My absolute favorite art gallery. I go there too often to gaze at different exhibitions. It’s such an inspiring place! It’s a bit out of town, but it’s worth the trip!
3. HAY - Design Interior shop. I’m in love with HAY’s designs and I wish I could buy everything they sell with their excellent eye for functionality and colourful design.

What's playing on your iPod at the moment?
Solange Knowles – Losing you
Sky Ferreira – Everything’s embarrassing
The Morning Benders - Excuses
Billy Joel – For the Longest time
M83 – Midnight City

If you could be a character from any video game, who would you be?
I’d just love to be Michaelangelo from the Ninja turtles. I do love pizza and being green.

Best advice you've ever been given?
Believe your dreams or they will never come true.

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