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Location: Huntsville, TX

An Artful Sitting.

I went to a local art showing a while back with some friends. Dan Phillip's team got together and made twelve chairs for Waste Management in Houston. They built them a "recycled area" where the public would learn about recycling and re-purposing/ upcycling items. He held this gallery so that the public could see his chairs before he sent them off to the center. Sorry for the picture quality, I left my camera at home so I was using my friends camera for the night. Oh well, you can still see how innovative the pieces are :] The tire chair was so comfortable. It was definitely one of my favorites! That's one thing I love about Dan, he really knows how to get people thinking. For instance the piece where the seat is made out of plastic bags, or the sky blue one with all the little cut up spinal bones in the back of the chair.  He made another chair out of the bones of a cow for another project. The first time I saw it I was a little disturbed at first. But after I sat in it I realized that the chair was actually really comfortable! I'm a vegetarian (I have been for the last ten years), so I felt kind of guilty for sitting in a cow bone chair. Dan told me that he got a call from a farmer to get the bones of his cows that had passed away. He used the ribs to create the seat. The chair is located at The Bone House. I saw it when I did some volunteer work out there. I'll have to see if I can find a picture...

Anyways, I am absolutely exhausted. I think I'm getting sick... Luckily, my roommate just gave me some natural honey based medicine from Mexico. I was coughing really bad, I had to take a break from typing I was coughing so hard! Now its subsided though so I feel much better. I need to make sure I don't get sick though! I have a interview planned for Wednesday and I want to make sure I'm able to do it, because it will be my first "in person" interview and I'm really excited about it. 

Aaaaaaand even though I'm pretty sure that this is the crappiest post I have ever written because I am sooooo tired, I think I'm about to just call it a night and head off to bed.

Hope everyone has a wonderful Tuesday tomorrow! Make sure you don't forget to vote! :]

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